3.8.2008 Nachos at Southern Hospitality

Restaurant: Southern Hospitality
Location: 1460 2nd Avenue (Between 76 & 77th Streets), NYC
Type: BBQ Nachos (with pulled chicken)
Ingredients: Tortilla chips topped with BBQ beans, cheddar cheese, BBQ sauce,
jalapeƱos, sour cream, guacamole, and pico de gallo
Cost: $9.95 + 4.95 for chicken
Rating: 9

Brief Review: This were excellent nachos, if you don't mind BBQ sauce on nachos. The BBQ beans and sauce added a sweetness to the nachos. The cheese actually tasted like cheddar cheese, not waxy or greasy. The pulled chicken while an expensive topping ($4.95) was plentiful and tasty. The only negative is the theme restaurant ambiance, i.e., kids and tourists.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE NACHOS, this blog is AWESOME

    Ive never eaten pimped out nachos like any of these because I haven't been a fan for long enough to know that these even exist. But the best nachos I've ever eaten where in York, ME: http://www.guacnrollcantina.com/GUAC_HOME_SITE/Home.html
    amazing amount of cheese, portion enough for 3 people, homemade salsa and only 12$
